SCRO 2022 National Speaker Symposium: Tackling School Avoidance: Strategies for Getting Anxious and Disconnected Students Back in the Building

All those involved with educating children and teens are acutely aware of the current social and emotional challenges students and families face. The past years have certainly taken a toll. For school staff and parents, one of the most challenging and unfortunately increasingly common issues is school avoidance. When a student is not coming to school, absences quickly set off a downward spiral. Family, social, emotional and academic issues often amplify as conflict and concern escalate.

This full day workshop will address the skills schools and families need to tackle this problem. How can we think preventatively, knowing that anxious and disconnected students are at high risk? How do schools best collaborate with parents who are often overwhelmed and frustrated? What plans are commonly put in place for anxious and depressed students that actually make the problem worse, and what can we do instead?

The Southeast Collaborative Regional Organization (SCRO) is proud to offset the cost of this high quality professional development for the school districts in southeastern Mass.

Learn more here.