Serving Over 35,000 Students with Specialized Needs
Collaborative programs serve students with special needs, and are designed to provide high quality, personalized education. Most importantly, collaboratives help schools to offer inspiring and supportive learning programs to the students who most need it, ranging from in-district to outplacement and home-based settings.
Because they are locally based, collaborative student programs and services can be highly cost effective, while helping students stay closer to home.
Collaboratives work to identify emerging issues and develop innovative and specialized programming to help.
Some of the collaborative programming that supports students:
- Special education programs, both in-district and outplacement, particularly for over 5,000 students with multiple, complex learning and therapeutic needs
- After school programs
- Vocational and school-to-work programs
- Early childhood services
- Supplemental education and therapeutic services
- Virtual learning and the Commonwealth Virtual School
- Recovery High Schools
- Health and safety initiatives (including mental health)
- Adult programming
“I never saw myself having a future and they showed me that I did, and a very bright one at that.”
– BiCounty Collaborative student

Massachusetts Collaboratives
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Partnerships for Change
MOEC is the Commonwealth’s primary advocate for collaboratives and the critical role they play in the Massachusetts educational system.
Leading Statewide Initiatives
MOEC and its members have a history of working with districts, often in partnership with DESE, to support statewide initiatives.