About Us
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Our Mission
MOEC provides a forum to enhance the ability of collaboratives to promote leadership and direction to their organizations through professional development, information exchange, and advocacy for collaborative programming so that Massachusetts collaboratives may better serve their constituents.
What are Collaboratives?
Massachusetts Collaboratives are educational services agencies that bring school districts together to form partnerships that create regional educational resources. Collaboratives benefit districts, students, families, educators and taxpayers by maximizing efficiency through shared costs and expertise. They play a leadership role in developing a broad range of innovative programming to meet emerging needs by providing training, enabling the sharing of exemplary educational practices and serving and educating many of our most vulnerable students across the Commonwealth.
In 1974 Massachusetts enacted the legislation that encouraged school districts to come together to address demands for special education services through Collaboratives. The resulting partnerships have grown to encompass many diverse educational services and programs.
From Provincetown to the Berkshires, MOEC members provide a host of inter-district services serving schools, educators, communities, and learners of all ages, including:
- Programming for students with disabilities and at-risk youth
- Professional development
- Professional learning communities
- Educator licensure programs
- Management support
- Cooperative purchasing
- Student transportation
- Technology development
- Online learning
- Mentoring and coaching
- Consultation services
- Assistance to districts for the planning and implementation of state initiatives
- Health and safety initiatives
- Transition services
- Vocational programs
- After school programs
- Adult services
- Early childhood services
- Research
Massachusetts Collaboratives offer a unique perspective that is at once both local and regional. Astute educational leaders at both the state and district level in Massachusetts utilize collaboratives and their resources to achieve economies of scale in service delivery, cutting-edge practices, and the effective means to meet today’s educational needs.
Through strategic planning, inclusive decision-making, and creative vision, collaboratives maintain a balance between the support available for current programming and the initiative to take advantage of untapped opportunities.
MOEC is a primary contact point for bringing together stakeholders in the state’s education system. The organization is the connector to the wealth of expertise and the positive relationships that exist within the communities served by its members.
Executive Director
Joanne Haley Sullivan is the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Organization of Educational Collaboratives. MOEC is the statewide organization that is the primary advocate for and facilitator of inter-district collaboration for the provision of educational programs and related services. Its membership includes the 24 educational collaboratives who serve more than 300 member school districts across the Commonwealth.
Before she joined MOEC, Ms. Haley Sullivan had over 38 years of experience in education, including educational leadership as Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services in the Abington Public Schools, and as Executive Director of North River Collaborative in Rockland.
She has served as the President of the Massachusetts Organization of Educational Collaboratives (MOEC) and on the Mass Legislative Special Commission to Study the Role of Education Collaboratives. Ms. Haley Sullivan was a founding member of the Southeast Collaborative Regional Organization (SCRO) which serves to organize nine collaboratives in the region to more efficiently serve the 88 school districts of the south region. Ms. Haley Sullivan is a member of the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents (MASS) and the Association of Educational Service Agencies (AESA), which is the national parent association to which MOEC belongs.
Ms. Haley Sullivan holds a bachelor’s degree in Special Education from Boston University and a Master of Education degree in educational leadership from Bridgewater State University.
Board of Directors and Regional Representatives
Executive Board
Regional Representatives
Executive Director
Joanne Haley Sullivan
Francine Rosenberg
North Shore Education Consortium
Vice President
Donna Flaherty
ACCEPT Collaborative
Catherine Cooper
Southeastern Massachusetts Educational Collaborative
Chris Scott
Valley Collaborative
Past President
Cathy Lawson
SEEM Collaborative
AESA Liaison
Cathy Lawson
SEEM Collaborative
Regional Representatives
Region 1: West
Todd Gazda
Collaborative for Educational Services (CES)
- Collaborative for Educational Services (CES)
- Lower Pioneer Valley Educational Collaborative (LPVEC)
Region 2: Central
Arnold Lundwall
Southern Worcester County Educational Collaborative (SWCEC)
- Assabet Valley Collaborative (AVC)
- CAPS Educational Collaborative
- Central Massachusetts Collaborative (CMC)
Keystone Collaborative
- Southern Worcester County Educational Collaborative (SWCEC)
Region 3: Greater Boston
Pam Girouard
LABBB Collaborative
- ACCEPT Education Collaborative
- CASE Collaborative (CASE)
- LABBB Collaborative
- Shore Educational Collaborative
- The Educational Cooperative (TEC)
Region 4: North
Cathy Lawson
SEEM Collaborative
- CREST Collaborative
- Valley Collaborative
- Northshore Education Consortium (NEC)
- SEEM Collaborative
Region 5: Southeast
Paul Hilton
Cape Cod Collaborative
- Bi-County Collaborative (BICO)
- Cape Cod Collaborative
- READS Collaborative
- North River Collaborative
- Pilgrim Area Collaborative (PAC)
- Southeastern Mass. Educational Collaborative (SMEC)
- South Coast Educational Collaborative
- South Shore Educational Collaborative